Displaying Leaflet maps

From Maps for MediaWiki

Maps supports embedding of dynamic maps using the free and open source Leaflet library.

Basic syntax

Displaying maps is done with the #display_map parser function.

{{#display_map:center=Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany}}
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Leaflet maps can be customized using various parameters.

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See Customizing Leaflet Maps for a full overview of customization parameter, including examples.

Displaying data


{{#display_map:Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany}}
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You can display multiple locations by separating them with semicolons. And it is possible to use coordinates instead of location names.

{{#display_map:Berlin; Brussel; 40° 42' 46.02" N, 74° 0' 21.39" W}}
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You can customize the markers per location. The syntax is:

Location~Popup title~Popup text~File:CustomIcon~Group~Inline label~File:VisitedIcon
  • Location: the location where to display the marker. Both coordinates and addresses are supported
  • Popup title and Popup text: optional content for a popup shown when the marker is clicked. No popup is shown if both are empty
  • File:CustomIcon: optional name of an image to display instead of the default marker
  • Group:
  • Inline label: optional label shown next to the marker. Currently only shown when using Google Maps
  • File:VisitedIcon: optional name of an image to display as marker when the marker is clicked


  Berlin~The city Berlin~Berlin is a really nice city and there is plenty of Club Mate~Red-marker.png;
  Amsterdam~The city Amsterdam~Amsterdam is the capital of The Netherlands~Green-marker.png
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Via the lines parameter you can display lines on the map. Each line has at least two locations. As with markers you can specify a popup title and text. You can also specify the looks of the line. The syntax is:

First address:Second address:Optional third address:etc
~Popup title~Popup text~Line color~Line opacity~Line thickness


  Amsterdam:Paris~Amsterdam to Paris line~I am a text~green~0.42~10
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Via the polygons parameter you can display polygons on the map. Each polygons has at least two locations. As with markers you can specify a popup title and text. You can also specify the looks of the polygon. The syntax is:

First address:Second address:Optional third address
~Popup title~Popup text~Border color~Border opacity~Border thickness~Fill color~Fill opacity
~Show only on hover


  Amsterdam:Paris:Frankfurt~I am a title~And I am a description~green~0.7~10~blue~0.5
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Via the circles parameter you can display circles on the map. Each circles has a center and a diameter. You can specify the popup title and text and the looks of the circle. The syntax is:

Address of the center:Diameter~Popup title~Popup text~Border color~Border opacity~Border thickness~Fill color~Fill opacity


  Amsterdam:100~I am a title~And I am a description~green~0.7~10~blue~0.5
| zoom=14
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Via the rectangles parameter you can display rectangles on the map. Each rectangle has a North East location and a South West location. You can specify the popup title and text and the looks of the rectangle. The syntax is:

North East location:South West location
~Popup title~Popup text~Border color~Border opacity~Border thickness~Fill color~Fill opacity


  Amsterdam:London~I am a title~And I am a description~green~0.7~10~blue~0.5
Loading map...


As of version 5.6, Maps supports display of GeoJSON via the geojson parameter. See Displaying GeoJSON.

Alternative syntax
