Customizing Leaflet maps
From Maps for MediaWiki
Leaflet maps can be customized using various parameters.
Customization syntax
{{#display_map: height=200px | geojson=Berlin | scrollzoom=off }}
Parameter | Aliases | Default | Description |
zoom | whole number | no | The zoom level for the map. For maps with markers this will default to the most zoomed in level that still shows all markers. |
width | number and dimensional unit | auto | Allows setting the width of the map. By default pixels will be assumed as unit, but you can explicitly specify one of these units: px, ex, em, %. |
height | number and dimensional unit | 350 | Allows setting the height of the map. By default pixels will be assumed as unit, but you can explicitly specify one of these units: px, ex, em. |
centre | text | no | The location on which the map should be centered |
title | text | empty | Allows setting text that will be displayed in the pop-ups of all markers that do not have a specific title.
When used together with label, the title will be bold and underlined. |
label | text | empty | Allows setting text that will be displayed in the pop-ups of all markers that do not have a specific label. |
icon | text | empty | Allows setting the icon used for all markers. |
lines | List of lines | empty | Lines to display |
polygons | List of geographical polygons | empty | Polygons to display |
circles | List of circles | empty | Circles to display |
rectangles | List of rectangles | empty | Rectangles to display |
maxzoom | whole number | no | The maximum zoom level |
minzoom | whole number | no | The minimum zoom level |
copycoords | yes/no | no | Show a dialog when clicking on a marker from which its coordinates may be copied |
static | yes/no | no | Make the map static |
defzoom | whole number | 14 | Allows setting the default zoom level of the map. |
layers | list of texts | OpenStreetMap | The layers that will be available in the layer selector. The first layer will be shown when the map loads. |
image layers | list of texts | empty | Image base layers. The first layer will be shown by default. If any images are specified, they will be used instead of the regular map layers. |
overlays | list of texts | empty | The overlay layers that will be shown when the map loads. |
resizable | yes/no | no | Makes the map resizable by dragging at its lower right corner. |
fullscreen | yes/no | no | Enable fullscreen button |
scrollwheelzoom | yes/no | yes | Indicates if mouse scrolling should be enabled or not. |
cluster | yes/no | no | Allows merging of multiple nearby markers into one marker |
clustermaxzoom | whole number | 20 | The maximum zoom level where clusters may exist. |
clusterzoomonclick | yes/no | yes | Whether the default behaviour of clicking on a cluster is to zoom into it. |
clustermaxradius | whole number | 80 | The maximum radius that a cluster will cover. |
clusterspiderfy | yes/no | yes | When you click a cluster at the bottom zoom level we spiderfy it so you can see all of its markers. |
geojson | text | empty | URL of a file or name of the page containing GeoJSON data |
clicktarget | text | empty | When clicking on the map you will be sent to this URL. %lat% is replaced by the latitude and %long% by the longitude |