Google Maps examples
From Maps for MediaWiki
Google maps can be customized using various parameters.
This page lists examples. For an overview of available parameters and how to use them, see Customizing Google Maps.
Markers, Polygons, Lines, etc
{{#display_map:center=Berlin | kml=BerlinDistricts.kml | zoom=9 }}
{{#display_map:center=Europe | gkml= | zoom=3 }}
Map types
{{#display_map:center=Ben Nevis | types=satellite, terrain | type=terrain | zoom=9 }}
Copy coords
Right-click on the map to copy the coordinates.
{{#google_maps:Hong Kong |copycoords=yes |zoom=11 }}
Inline labels
{{#google_maps: Berlin~Popup title~Popup text~~Group~Berlin; London~Popup title~Popup text~~Group~London (inline label); }}